Rwanda - Sholi Coop - Washed
Rwanda - Sholi Coop - Washed

Rwanda - Sholi Coop - Washed


Abateraninkunga ba Sholi Coop means “Mutual Assistance.”

This Coop is located in the Muhanga District near Lake Kiva, where they have been producing coffee for a decade. It focuses heavily on community support and nearly half of the members are women.  The Coop has also completed their Organic Certification and in now a Certified Organic offering from us. 

For this natural process coffee, Sholi selects and identifies the highest-quality cherries that arrive at the central washing station. The cherries are sorted again, floated, and moved to the drying tables. After three or four days, they cover the dried cherries for 24-30 hours to develop the flavor. The cherries are monitored and continue to dry up to 30-35 days depending on the weather.

Tasting Notes: Green Apple, Caramel, Cinnamon, Vanilla
Altitude: 1800-2000 masl   
Varietal: Bourbon
Process: Washed
Farm/Region: Muganga District, Southern Province

Certified Organic by the Montana Department of Agriculture.